Under the Tuscan Sun
May 22, 2013 14:30

In Global Studies class today we viewed Audrey Wells' film, Under the Tuscan Sun. The film is based off of Frances Mayes' book of the same name. In the movie, Frances, the main character, in recovering from a bad divorce, decides to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Tuscany. Naturally, she falls in love with the region and instinctively buys a house. And of course there is a bunch of romance and whatnot throughout the storyline.

Anyways, the whole point of viewing the film was to identify the stereotypes that American film makers use to illustrate Tuscany and Italy as a whole. There were quite a few.

Having been here for about three weeks now, I would like to think that I have transcended the status of a "naive tourist". While I will certainly never achieve the status of a true Florentine, I do feel like I have made some progress.