Hiking to Monte Ceceri
May 09, 2013 17:00

Today, Lorenzo took us on a hike up to Monte Ceceri, a hill overlooking the city from the north. The hike was awesome – we traveled through wooded trails and steep streets with occasional scenic overlooks scattered throughout the hike. The views were absolutely stunning. Definitely the coolest thing we have done so far.

The hike was put together by CAPA, so a couple of other groups went along with us: a group from a small school in Virginia and another group of Pitt students involved in a mental health study abroad program. It's cool to meet other people who are studying abroad to hear about their experiences.

We ended the hike at a great pizza restaurant. Lorenzo actually grew up around that area of Tuscany, and this pizza place happened to be his favorite. By the way, Lorenzo is awesome. He sat with my table during dinner and we talked for a while. He knows five languages and has lived in countless countries throughout his lifetime. He's been with CAPA for about thirty years and has one of the coolest jobs in my opinion.