Wine Tasting May 13, 2013 18:00
After a full day of museums and tours, we went to a wine tasting given by Pino. I actually met Pino yesterday – he owns a great panino shop in Florence, and it just so happens that he also owns an old wine cellar. Pino is a pretty sweet guy. I definitely plan on hitting up his sandwich shop for lunch in the near future.
We sampled three wines with bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and several meats: prosciutto and two type of salami. I wasn't expecting so much food, but it really became a satisfying dinner as well.
I learned a lot about wine tonight. For example, you should observe the sight and smell of the wine before tasting it. Wine should be clear with no sediment at the bottom. As for the smell, you should be able to determine particular fruits associated with the wine. The smell might be different for different people.
Wine encompasses three elements of taste: sweet, sour and bitter. These elements can be experienced in different parts of the mouth: the tip of the tongue, the edge of the mouth and the back of the jaw respectively. Additionally, red wine contains spices that can be detected on the roof of the mouth.